Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Favorite Sons Club

kudos:  http://tirashandmade.blogspot.com/

So I read a recent article that discussed how parents are harder on their daughters than on their sons. Well, I would just like to say 1) wtf? and 2) I have been saying this for years. I originally thought it was just the fact that I’m the oldest, prettiest, or my brothers are the best liars of all time, and those are all true, but now I think it’s mainly because I’m a GIRL. Growing up, I got away with NOTHING and my brothers got/still get away with EVERYTHING. In related and more general news, when boys fuck up its charming and funny when girls fuck up it's pathetic and going to ruin everything. Maybe I'm jealous? So what. If I knew then what I know now...

If you don’t have a brother, stop reading. I kid, I kid. Keep reading, this is famousness. We've all felt a little jealous at one point or another of our siblings' ability to sway our parents. Whether it’s a brother or younger sibling, don’t you find yourself in a constant state of WTF in regards to everything they get away with? I tell ya, tis murdah.

I’d like to give you a couple of examples of the differences in boys/girls upbringing. Feel free to comment any experiences you might have in this area. This is therapy, people. Let it out. The quotes are what parents might say, if you aren’t catching on. Exclamation points for happiness, periods are for sarcasm/epic disappointment. Disclaimer, this might be a slight exaggeration.

Drinking in high school
BOY: “Oh silly boy! Yay, you have friends!”
GIRL: “You’re ruining your life. Grounded.”

Having several significant others in a short span of time
BOY: “Oh, he’s such a ladies man!”
GIRL: “Oh she’s such a slut.”

Having a meltdown/going ape-shit directed at another family member
BOY: “He has a bit of a temper”
GIRL: “She’s on her period."

Getting in a car accident/speeding ticket
BOY: Boy’s will be boys!

Spending all your parents money and making none of your own
BOY: “He doesn’t have time to work. You know, he’s so involved.”
GIRL: “Getcho broke ass a job!”

Not dating anyone for an embarrassing period of time
BOY: “You don't need a girlfriend, you're better off. Have fun!!”  
GIRL: "You need a boyfriend."

The passive-aggressive ‘what’s for dinner’ question
            BOY: Well, what do you want? Imakeyousomething!!
            GIRL: You’re an adult, you can make something.

PS: My parents never really said any of this.

PPS: I adore my brothers, even if they are shitheads who get away with everything. 

PPPS: Have you noticed how much I love italics?

1 comment:

  1. I personally think you have amazing parents and they would NEVER treat you different than your brothers. Oh and your mom is smokin' hot!
