Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Boyfriend and I watched the Super Bowl last night amongst friends, and it was magical, and I hate my weight in hot wings, cupcakes and Lienenkugel. Yum.

However, like always, I got a couple reactions about SSS (Super Bowl Sunday)

1. You mean to tell me I waited three and a half hours for 30 seconds of Kim Kardashian? Pretty sure I can see that on E! 36 times a day. Me, being the pop culture idiot and unrealistically obsessed with everything Kardashian, was anxiously anticipating the Kim K SSS commercial. Well, it was weak. WEAK.
2. At least Fergie didn't disappoint. Did you see her sparkly shoulder pads? Holy hotness.
3. URRRSHAAA!!! Oohhhmaaahhh, gosh. La lalalalaaaaaaaaa. Love baby face Usher. Even though he mistakenly thinks he's the next MJ. Silly Ursha!
 4. Ben Roethlisberger. Anyone else feel personally violated and offended when an athlete/celebrity/personality is accused of rape, cheating on a spouse, or sending nekkid pics of their peen? Just me? OK, cool. Yes I realize I'm setting myself up for a lifetime of disappointment here, but HOW DARE HE? I couldn't help myself but to privately wish he broke his leg. That's not nice. But neither is adultery.
5. Car commercials? Really? Are that many people buying cars? Or not buying cars I guess? Either way, the influx of car commercials was over the top. Except the Mercedes one. That can stay. P-Diddy is my dude.
6. I fuckin love those ETrade talking babies. They get me.
 7. I'm sorry, I've never watched Glee, but LORD. I GET IT. I wish they would give it a rest already.
8. The 13 second Transformers ad was every kind of right. Shia, my 13 year old self still thinks you're the bomb. And myself now.
9. And now this seems like a pretty creepy theme here but I really like Eminem. No one can make Detroit or Chrysler seem appealing, like ever. Our boy Marshal Mathers made me need them both, today. This is quality advertising people.
10. Poor, poor Christina. Who says that line is important in the National Anthem anyway? You go girl.

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