Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Houston Gets Cold

Well, well, well .... WELL.

Houston decided to catch up with the rest of the country and actually have a winter. It will be undoubtedly short lived, but in the meantime there is absolute chaos. Offices are actually closed today due to cold weather. Is there snow? Nope. Ice? Nope. Sleet? Nope. A little frosting of precipitation? Nope. 

Just cold? Yes. 

And yes I realize temperatures like these are coveted by 90 percent of the country right now. Houston can be slightly dramatic. 

Of course, my work isn't one of these establishments that closes on account of cold temperatures, so here I am. 

That being said, I have a confession to make, I think I might have conformed. 

I'm finding myself to be very inconvenienced by this weather and might even be taking it as a personal attack. And I would just like to say, for the record, IT'S REALLY HARD TO ADAPT TO COLD WEATHER WHEN YOU'RE NOT USED TO IT. When it comes out of no where, ruining your 75 degree comfort zone and reminding you that you have no winter clothes and that most places in Houston are horribly, horribly insulated. Houston is just not built for this kind of weather and in six short months, humidity and armpit sweat have become home base. I've even gone as far as to sit in the steam room at the gym thinking, 'dammit I miss this.' 

In short, everyone bitches about the weather. Yes, I am disappointed at the cold in Houston. But overall, I dig this tropical weather and and relieved that the cold is a once in awhile occurrence. 

It better be. 

Or else I might actually have to buy a coat. 

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