Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Most Dysfunctional Time of the Year

Unless you haven't been into a retail outlet since October, you know fully well that it is THAT time of year again. Let me just say, I friggin love Christmas. The Christmas season brings a whole lot to the table, but one of the greatest things that Christmas brings is the annual family photo. The forced image of denim and solid colored shirts that depicts a vision of "yes, we're doing great. We're so functional, we took a g-dang family photo." Family photos have definitely evolved over the years but the Christmas season, for whatever reason, usually brings out some serious gems. 

I'm not quite established in my adult life to get a bulk of my own Christmas cards (this, I'm hoping, comes with age. Crossing my fingers) but you better believe that when I get to my parents' house next week, I will stack up the Christmas cards, pour a glass of merlot, and die of happiness. This year, I'm really hoping to see a movement in over the top family photos. It's not fair that the 90s got all the denim and plaid. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty tired of seeing dogs dressed up as Santa. 

Is there anything funnier than a really bad family photo? No. There isn't. If you come up with something you're wrong and your sense of humor sucks. 

Because of my love for family photos, I've stumbled across a web site that consists only of terrible family photos. Named appropriately, awkwardfamilyphotos.com. 
See below for some of my favorites. You're welcome.

Nothing  says family like a pregnant mermaid.

Things I love: denim, white, and the whole family wearing it.

I wonder if the curtains match the... never mind

"How we gonna get baby Jimmy on the window? OK, hear me out...I got an idea..."


What the fuck?

OH honey, I know.

I love denim. Have I mentioned that?
Family in a box. Please look at the kid in the back left, is he adopted? Why is he so far away?

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