Friday, November 12, 2010

If You Give A Mouse OCD

About that last post. 

I'm sorry, I was just kidding.

Parents don't penetrate each other.

That would be gross.

They just go to soccer games, pack sack lunches and pretend to be Santa.

I have the day off today. Remember I was working ungodly hours all this week? Today is the fruit of my labors. Guess what I did?

Don't guess, I'll just tell you!

Went to TJ Crack Maxx and got there before it opened. Waited outside from 9:20 am until they opened the doors at 9:30 am. What is this, Black Friday? How embarrassing.

I am a bargain junkie, so...if you give a mouse a cookie, she's gonna want to go to Marshall's. 
Went to Marshall's. Died of happiness. Then got a work skirt (zzz) and a top that has one sleeve. One sleeve, you say?! Yes. One sleeve.

Went to American Apparel. And damn you, American Apparel. Bought a dress that is a teensy bit slutty. Secretly obsessed. I also bought a crop top, which the way I see it, is sorta the devil. Because now I have to wear it. And suck in my tummy to the point of discomfort. But it's so dreamy. I love to hate you, crop-top.

Cleaned the bathroom.

Cleaned the bedroom.

Cleaned the kitchen.

Cleaned the entryway, back splash, light switches, tile grout.


Cleaned the vacuum.

Cleaned the bathroom again.

Here's the deal. I have cleaning obsessive compulsive disorder. What I mean is, I can't clean the bathroom without cleaning the entire house and all its crevices. The whole cleaning experience takes over me and makes me a mad woman, and by the time I'm done, the bathroom is probably dirty again. It is the EPIC example of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.

Please tell me you know this book. Or else none of this will make any sense. Your head must be spinning with confusion.

And if you don't know this book, I feel sorry for you. Have a childhood real quick, and go buy it. Stop resisting. You will learn a whole lot about humanity.

Sigh. That mouse. He so gets me. 

And let me me tell you, there's a whole lot more OCD where that came from.



Love love. 

UPDATE: I just went in to change the font of the blog. 

I ended up changing the entire design and lay out. 

1 comment:

  1. Is there a LIKE button on blogs? You should get one. Stat.
