About a month ago, we ran out of that apartment complex 100 miles an hour and moved into this chic little 3 bedroom house with a fenced in backyard. Praise the Lord.
Before leaving Houston, in a really practical move I sold all my furniture. Out with the old. The point is, we moved into our 3 bedroom with no furniture. Two weeks and a million dollars later, we were furnished and I cried much less often. But the most prized
Mind you, boyfriend went to a military school for college and spent 4 years in a shoebox with three other roommates and no television. It was time to go big. And he went big. We picked out the most expensive television at Best Buy and drove 13 miles an hour down a major street in Oklahoma City. I start cracking up and boyfriend shoots me a sharp look because NOTHING IS FUNNY ABOUT SAFETY.
"Do you realize, we would not drive this carefully if there was a newborn baby in the car?"
That makes him laugh. Plus one for the females.
Anyway, the whole TV buying process took our entire Saturday afternoon and the help of a nice Best Buy Guy. He told us the ins and outs of televisions, sound, 3D, Blue-Ray and generally had a pretty good time spending boyfriends money.
There goes my Caribbean vacay. Thanks, Best Buy Guy.
So we get the television, sound system, 3D, Blue-Ray all home and (similar to a newborn baby) we don't know what the fuck to do with it. We stare at the massive box, hoping that the TV will just mount itself.
Turns out, it didn't.
The next evening, I get home from work, kiss boyfriend, kiss the dog, kiss the TV. Boyfriend says to me, "Eli is coming over later."
"Who? Who the fuck is Eli?"
"You know, the Best Buy Guy."
"Of course. The Best Buy Guy. But...how did you....what....why?"
"I had some questions so I called him, he's coming over."
At this point, I've got two things going on in my head.
First, how quickly men bond is blowing my mind. I have the same friends I had when I was 10. I've got a handful of (kickass) soul sisters from high school, college and Houston. My friend-making: see frigid, guarded, selective.
Secondly, what if the Best Buy Guy is a serial killer?
Eli ends up eating dinner with us that night and coming over again that weekend. He has since become a staple in our life in Oklahoma City, growing our technology and still spending boyfriends money.
This is not a paid advertisement for Best Buy, however, thumbs up on the customer service.
But seriously, what if he's a serial killer?
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